I absolutely Must. Stop. My. Erna. Meyer. Obsession.

I purchased more vintage dolls, folks. Two additional grandparents along with various others that in my mind work as two aunts, an uncle, and two cousins. I must never again search the term: "Erna Meyer Dolls" and that's all there is to it. It doesn't matter how much joy I take in imagining my daughter playing with them at some far off point in the future. It has to end. Now. Nevertheless, here are the new (old) ones in all their adorable glory (though they haven't yet made their way to my doorstep):

And lastly, the progress I've made on the DIY garden kit. Some of these pieces pictured below were exceptionally difficult. They either put them in this order in the hope that the crafter wouldn't get discouraged right from the start if one began the project with these, OR it just seems to get harder because you've been at it for so long that it feels the tiny detail work might never end. It is A LOT of detail work.

Two books, yellow box, two paper bags, Cloth bag, three jars, one clay pot, two smaller pots, a bucket, two kettles, small shovel, small rake, rope loop, two lanterns with two free additional candles, a rolled poster, two sign board pots, note board, and two cushioned pillows.

And there you have it...for now.


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