I was successful in completing the shower curtain and in actuality am quite pleased with the outcome. It involved some light sewing as the fabric was frayed from cutting and getting the rod through the top section proved more difficult than I'd initially imagined. On the plus side, it didn't require the use of S-Hooks as I'd originally thought and thus will be more stable. Once the dollhouse bathroom is complete and I've determined the best spot for positioning the bathtub, I will most likely glue or magnetize the shower rod to the wall, whichever best holds its weight (cross fingers).

I know I said I was going to wait on getting the Erna Meyer grandparent dolls but I came across a couple of vintage ones that look like they're in decent shape and went ahead with the purchase. Now I have to hope they make it here unscathed. Pictured below is the family I've put together. The center photo is just a sample from the Erna Meyer website and the outer pictures are of the dolls I purchased for the dollhouse: Dad, Mom, Daughter, Son, Baby, Grandfather, Grandmother. With these particular dolls being so adorably posable, if I ever come across another great deal(s) it's my intention to add some extended family as well. I think they'll add a lot more believability to the interior "scenes" that can be created.

As for the DIY garden kit, here is what I've managed to complete since my last post:

Door, Fencing, Drain Tube, Small wood box with hangers, Grouping of boxes, wrapped basket, and Decorative painting.

I must admit, all of these items are tiny and delicate. Each requires a lot of attention to detail. I'm often hunched over trying to cut and fix items with glue and/or string, etc. If anyone else should decide to take such a DIY kit as this on, remember to have patience. It can be frustrating, so take your time and do your best have fun with it.


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