Until I receive the shelf and a few additional items, the Practical Magic Apothecary is at a standstill. That being said, I've managed to complete a lot of it.

Below is the front signage...

And several shots of the internal shop as it currently exists.

Notice the adorable little bell on the door!

And a close-up of the "magics" table...

As well as a close-up of some of the more "practical" goods...

These were taken at night so the lighting is not good. Still, you can take note of the antiquing I've done on the interior fixtures, as well as see many of the paper crafts, potion jars, soaps, candles, beadwork, etc.

I'll be working on some further paper crafts to fill the new shelf when it arrives, but I'm also waiting on some connectors so that I can complete another set of jars, but other than that, I don't think there will be anything further to update on this until I've received the other items I require in order to finish the shop.


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