I'm sad to report that I still do not have the bookshelf that's shipping over from the Netherlands and thus am unable to finish the Practical Magic Apothecary Roombox until such time as I've acquired it. It's nearing a month now and I'm starting to wonder if the package is lost. I'm going to give it another two weeks, I think, and just cross my fingers and hope for the best. What more can I do at this stage?

So, as always, I don't stay idle. I've been working simultaneously on a Witch Roombox as well as creating some pieces that I may try to sell on Etsy and eBay. I've got a couple up already just to test the market but I'm not expecting overnight success with this as it seems to me to be pretty saturated with all kinds of fascinating miniatures already. I'm hoping to have the Hobbies dollhouse very shortly and once the Apothecary is complete (assuming I ever get that bookshelf, that is) it should be the last roombox I complete while I pursue the rehab. Until then I'll focus on making mini's for potential sale and then finally immerse myself in the project that started all of this in the first place.

Here are a few pictures of both the Witch Roombox as well as of a fully stocked miniature cabinet that I've posted for sale:


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